Pissmania Enologist with Oprah

Pissmania Enologist with Oprah

Boy Girl pissingCheersClose pinkCrazyDivingPiss drinkingPissing in mouthPussy Wash

Todays dose of pissing porn features big boobed blonde Oprah who starts off her debut scene on Pee on Her by sitting on a chair and holding a glass beneath her pussy while attempting to piss into it! Her messy pee stream is uncontrollable but she manages to fill some of the glass with it before she indulges in piss drinking and sips it like her glass is full of wine! She pours the remaining contents over her sexy little outfit and down her legs then heads over the our guy and pulls down his pants! Oprah is feeling stupidly horny and takes out his cock, aiming it again into her glass. He fills it a little easier of course, and once Oprah has enough golden nectar collected she licks the tip of his dick and tastes his piss too! She certainly is a connoisseur of piss tasting and would make the perfect enologist! Pouring our guys piss down over her body while taking sips, Oprah starts to rub her pussy through her panties and massages her big boobs. She strips from her sexy outfit and sits back on the chair naked, masturbating her pussy. Gorgeous Oprah gets onto her knees to treat our guy to a blowjob and take piss in mouth as he releases another stream! Oprah of course wants her turn so pisses on his erect cock before riding it. A few more piss exchanges take place during their fucking and sucking and finally, Oprah strokes his cock frantically until he cums in her mouth! This is course needs to be washed down with another taste of pee! Horny Oprah is desperate to orgasm so sits on the floor masturbating her pussy and once she does, she shoots a final stream of her piss onto the floor before diving into it!

Runtime : 31 min 50 s
File Size : 2.29 GB
File type: mp4
Video : , 9 965 kb/s
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : 2channel(s),48.0 kHz
Language: English
Year. Release: 2018



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