Pissmania Gargle and Swallow with Adele

Pissmania Gargle and Swallow with Adele

BlowjobBoy Girl pissingCheersClose pinkDivingPiss drinkingPissing in mouthPussy WashTrimmed PussyWet Panties

Raven haired cutie Adele comes home feeling desperate to pee. She won’t make it to the bathroom so she decides to give her boyfriend a little fun and grabs a glass before pulling down her panties and filling it with her pissing pussy. She knows her guy is a voyeur and is enjoying every second watching her and once she has finished she goes over to him and sucks on his erection which is bulging out of his denims. She sprinkles some of her golden pee over his jeans and sucks the juices back out of the fabric, tasting her own piss in mouth. Pouring the rest of the glass over her top, Adele gets wet and after stripping naked she bends over on the floor taking golden showers from her man all over her fit body. She dives into the puddle of pee on the floor then starts sucking him off, stopping only to make him lie down and let her piss all over his rock hard cock! She continues her blowjob and then sits on his cock, bouncing up and down with her pussy full. She goes from pussy to mouth a number of times, bending over to get fucked in the doggystyle position. This piss fuck scene continues as she gets drenched some more then just as her man is about to cum, he pulls out of her pussy and shoots his load all over Adele’s toned stomach!

Runtime : 38 min 3 s
File Size : 2.74 GB
File type: mp4
Video : , 9 998 kb/s
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : 2channel(s),48.0 kHz
Language: English
Year. Release: 2018



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