Pissmania Pissing Foursome with Jessica Rox, Kirsten Plant

Pissmania Pissing Foursome with Jessica Rox, Kirsten Plant

AnalBlowjobBoy Girl pissingCheersClose pinkCrazyGirl Girl pissingLesbian pissingPissing in mouthPussy WashSquirting

Raven haired hottie Kirsten Plant loves to get attention from guys and starts to flirt with two of her male friends while on the sofa. She stands up and they start to undress her, pulling down her tank top and pulling off her panties when her room mate, Jessica returns home. Jessica has always been the jealous type and wants to get involved in the action too. She kisses Kirsten and starts to undress too. She pulls her panties to one side and surprises everyone by spraying pee on tits. Kirsten’s boobs get absolutely covered and the guys are getting more and more turned on by this lesbian pissing display. Kirsten starts to lick Jessica’s nipples and then Kirsten gets held up while spraying a stream of her own piss into a glass vase. Afterwards she pours the contents over herself and Jessica, drenching them both in golden pee. Simultaneously, these horny girls take out their guys cocks and start to suck them off. They get on their knees and take mouthfuls of piss as the guys shower them in pee, soaking them even more and letting them enjoy some piss drinking. Kirsten climbs on top of one hard cock, getting her pussy fucked while sucking off the other and soon both girls are going from pussy to mouth. More piss play follows as Kirsten bends over and one of the guys starts pissing inside pussy. Finally, this pissing foursome finishes with both kink loving babes kneeling while taking messy facials at the same time!

Runtime : 46 min 55 s
File Size : 3.39 GB
File type: mp4
Video : , 10.0 Mb/s
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : 2channel(s),48.0 kHz
Language: English
Year. Release: 2018



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